Send messages to jamovi tables from anywhere in the code. Warnings can be sent to tables or arrays. For tables in Array, they do not need to exist at the moment the message is broadcast, because the message is stored in the parent object and then passed to the table at run time.

Warnings can be transient (get removed after .init()) when init=TRUE is passed.

Errors must be sent to existing (already defined) objects. Errors are passed directly to the jamovi object. If option final=TRUE, a stop() is issued @export

Active bindings


Set a warning message to a jamovi table It accepts a list with fields:

  • topic the nickname of a table in the format:

    • tablename a name of the table as set in the r.yaml jamovi file

    • groupname_tablename the group the table belongs to and the table name

    • arrayname the array of the tables target of the message

  • message the message to broadcast

  • init (optional) init=TRUE makes the message transient (disappears after init)


set an error message to a jamovi table It accepts a list with fields:

  • topic the nickname of a table in the format:

    • tablename a name of the table as set in the r.yaml jamovi file

    • groupname_tablename the group the table belongs to and the table name

    • arrayname the array of the tables target of the message

  • message the message to broadcast

  • final (optional) final=TRUE makes module stop computation immediately


Method new()

Initialize the Dispatch object





A jamovi results object jmvcore::Results

Method translate()

Translate a message





a list containing the field message. The function looks in the environment for a global list named TRANS_WARNS. The list must contain lists with the field original and one of the following: new: a new message to replace original; sub: a string to substitute the original string. append: a string to append to original. prepend: a string to prepend to original. The field are evaluated in this order. To remove a warning or error, simple set new=NULL